Thursday, 12 January 2012

Wild Awake

We love Primroses, so imagine how happy we were when we spotted these in our garden earlier this week. They remind us of spring and they got us thinking about those animals that might soon be waking from hibernation such as dormice, bats and hedgehogs.

You may know that hedgehogs usually come out of hibernation in March, which is also when we usually see Primroses, but they sometimes wake early - particularly if the weather is warmer than normal. This time of year they can need a helping hand to find food, so we thought it might be a good idea if we were to put out a little bit of dog food and a shallow dish of water, just in case one wanders by. (Please never leave them bread and milk as it can harm them). As hedgehogs are nocturnal it's unlikely we'll actually get to see one, but we do have the pleasure of knowing that if one is passing through, it won't go hungry.

Maybe you'd like to do this too? We hope so.

1 comment:

  1. Loooove hedgehogs and see them often in the early evening- ofcourse not when they are in hibernation- and enjoy the way they walk, erm... stomping with their tiny feet, so funny!
